
Plexi Drive / Velvet Fuzz

The Velvet Fuzz is basically a Plexi Drive with two switchable boost sections in front of it, so I built mine to work as a standalone Plexi or with either of the boost sections engaged. I made my own layout for the boosts sections and used the IVIark layout for the Plexi.

To be able to fit two boards inside a 125B box I had to go creative and mounted one of them under the lid and other under the top side of the box.

This is my layout for the Velvet boosts board.


  1. hi, nice build! i was searching for the velvet fuzz schematic and I found your blog. I ll try to build this one but I'm confused with the wiring. Could you send me the wiring scheme that you used? my email is cesarhdesouza@gmail.com

    1. I used the Switchable Boost layout from http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.com.es/2012/02/offboard-wiring.html

  2. Hello, can you give us the listing of components please ?
