

Simple CabSim


This is a nice and simple cabinet simulator designed by Lart. You can find more information about it on What I really like about this cirtcuit is that it only does one thing and it does it well, without external controls this is a perfect solution to drop in a preamp stompbox or a D.I. box.

Alternative transistors

I have simulated it in LTSpice with pairs of PNP / NPN from different series. In the next plot you can see the frequency response using the specified BC560C/BC550C pair, 2N5087/2N5088 and 2N3906/2N3904.

As you can see, 2N508X come pretty close to BC5X0C, with 2N390X having a smoother curve.

Veroboard layout

I have drawn a vero layout to build it, its a bit croweded but smaller than I was expecting. I recommend using a multilayer ceramic for the 1uF capacitor.

My build

This is my build, I used 470pF and 220pF in parallel beacuse I didn't have any 680pF, and 2N390X pair being the only pair I have at hand.

This sounds really well with a 1W PUNCH amp, I'll post a video when I have it boxed up.

11/09/2014 Update: I have uploaded my LTSpice file for anyone who want to try it. Right click on the link and choose "Save as": SimpleCabSim_yeraym_vulcanofx.asc


  1. Thanks yeraym, very interesting to me. I wonder could you share your ltspice files for this?

  2. Sorry for the delay, I needed to upload the file. I have included a link at the end of the post.

  3. Thank you, works perfectly!

  4. Thank you, really nice cab sim that I put in an enclosure with a headphone amp and a switchable jack out (for recording).
    Works perfectly (though it took me some time to get it working, it's quite a dense veroboard… :) )

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. A mod suggestion: Use 330R for R25 instead of 100R, and use a 68k in series with a 100k variable for R23 instead of 82k. Can tweak R23 to taste or install a pot.

  7. Could I run this at 18v?

  8. is it possible to add xlr out? and how to wiring for xlr out?
