
Chopped Boss OC-2

I've finished my Chopped Boss OC-2 build. When it comes to octavers nothing can beat the tracking on a digital one, but for a DIY project this is one of the best out there. If you want to build the full version go to Sabro's blog, if you also want an octave up you can build de madbean's lowrider which is a Pearl OC-7, but if you are going to use it with a bass probably you don't need more than the chopped OC-2.

As this only have two knobs I refused to use anything bigger than a 1590B and to do so I have to draw my own layout. Its based on the adapted schematic by Ben Milner which chops the second octave down. To keep the layout compact and 1590B friendly I had to reorder the opamps used in the LM324 and use a couple of shared holes.

I'm starting to like the sinthy sound it has.

And this is how my boxed OC-2 looks like.